Monday, February 21, 2011


india is one of those places that has to be experienced; the sights, sounds, and smells are unlike anywhere else.  to try to do the country and its people justice through images or description would be naive - it just can't be done.  this was my second time to india and it was just as amazing and humbling as the first time.  

bangalore, india

view from my room

daily breakfast in the sun while it was snowing and zero degrees at home

surprisingly empty streets, normally this would be covered and you would not be able to see or thing or move

how some people on two wheelers deal with the insane traffic

little temples and shrines are everywhere

beer at lunch?  yes, please!

i am tsunami, don't follow me

please sir, i invite you to walk through the cave to reach the restaurant you are seeking

one of my favorite things on earth - sunday brunch at the leela palace

shirt - band of outsiders
shorts - diesel
shoes - sperry
sunglasses - lanvin <3 h&m

and just when i was least expecting it i ran directly into my biggest vice

fyi - an hour or two in the morning sun in bangalore india is definitely not like an hour or two in the morning sun in the middle of america.

sun poisoning

some shots from the factory where your clothes are made

what i wouldn't do for an afternoon break with a coconut, impossible to find here

next stop, colombo sri lanka

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