Monday, September 27, 2010


today was the true first day of fall.  it was rainy and cold, two things that i normally do not want my monday morning's to be.  however, instead of letting it get to me i decided to make the most of a monday, and the first "real" day of fall (at least weather-wise), by including two of my favorite things into my day.

favorite thing number one - stargazer lilies.  if you ever want to get on my good side, or get back on it if you've pissed me off, just buy me stargazer lilies and i'm yours.  they're beautiful, smell amazing, and last a decent amount of time.  i got some this weekend for my home and decided to bring some into work as well, considering that is where i spend the majority of my day.  being at work on a cold/rainy monday morning instead of my bed turned out to be alright with me with these by my side.

favorite thing number two - boots.  i'll be the first to admit that these are my first pair of boots (well, that's a lie, i had some cowboy boots back in elementary school when i rode horses).  i never really had the need to have any before living in my current city and all i can say is what the hell was i thinking?  who cares if i you do or do not have a need for boots, you need them in your life.  i got these last year and wore them almost daily and today was the first time i've busted them out since late last spring.  wearing boots puts a spring in my step and i'm trying to find another pair for this fall.  i know i was supposed to get the gucci boots when i was in europe but i bought the vuitton shoes instead (which i still need to share).  i'm thinking about getting another pair of dr. martens since this pair has treated me so well.  the issue is that almost every day i see a new pair of boots that i want so i can decide which ones to actually buy!  in ten years i envision having this amazing boot collection, they really are my favorite type of shoe.

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